Cameroon – NJINIKOM NORTH WEST : Mama Veronica Nkeni Muh celebrates 90th birthday, lavishes Parishioners with gifts

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  • 20 mai 2022

.Parishioners of St Anthony’s parish Njinikom – Kom, North West Region of Cameroon have received a major boast following donations made by the family of Mama Veronica Nkeni Muh who turned 90, April 27th 2022.

The parish can now boast of 24/7 supply of solar energy and a new sound system that will enhance church activities.The projects executed by the Family of Mama Veronica Nkeni Muh, her children, family members and friends to the tune of FCFA 2,200,000 have been described by parishioners as life-changing.

During a special Thanksgiving Mass that was concelebrated by over 12 priests, with Rev Father Ferdinand Fumbii as Chief Celebrant, on May 14th in Njinikom, christians from Baptist and Presbyterian churches were fully represented. It was an opportunity for the family and the Christians of St Anthony’s Parish to thank God for the life of Mama Veronica while calling on God to give her good health and many more years.

In his Homily, Rev Fr Anthony Ndang MHM, centered on the turbulent history Mama Veronica had braced from loosing children and husband yet never for once lost faith in God. He presented Mama Veronica like the Biblical Veronica who mustered courage to wipe the face of Jesus Christ on his way to Mount Calvary with his Cross. He used the Life of Mama Veronica to call on Christians of St Anthony’s church to be prayerful, to trust in God and always take the Lord’s Armour at all times especially in times of adversity. He added that the best time to celebrate someone is when the person is still alive like Mama Veronica.

According to the chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council Mr Chiabi Lawrence, Mama Veronica has lived to become a reference point of history in the parish. He described her as the face of the 95 year old Parish which shall be celebrating its centenary anniversary in five years,an event he prays God gives Mama Veronica more years to witness.

Mama Veronica was presented with a Papal gift for her dedicated life as a Catholic Christian and a member of the Catholic Women Association (CWA). She rededicated her life to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The occasion was also an opportunity for the Njinikom Christians to celebrate with Rev Father Micheal Yuh who hails from the Parish and had just celebrated 45 years as a priest.

Meanwhile, the family and friends of Mama Veronica Nkeni Muh in Yaounde gathered on the same day at Dema Residence Biyamasi to celebrate and thank God for the gift and life of their mother, aunt, grandmother, great grandmother.

The bigger family of Mama Veronica Nkeni Muh have been blessed with three ordained priests and one Reverend sister serving in the Lord’s Vineyard: Fr Eugen Song, Fr Anthony Ndang and Fr Ferdinand Fumbi and Sr Bridget Nkuo. Mama Veronica is blessed with three children: Margaret Toh (USA), Relindis Tosam (CAM) and Fabiola Ful (USA), 12 grand children and 23 great grand children.

To immortalise the event in Njinikom on May 14th, parishioners were lavished with gifts of keychain flash light, pens, rosaries, gift bags, wheelchairs, St Veronica Prayer cards, bars of soap etc.The fully packed parish hall were treated to a special lunch banquet characterized by music and traditional dances.The last fruit of Mama Veronica Nkeni, Fabiola muh expressed her satisfaction seeing, witnessing and testifying the fact that « Mother is Gold ».

Correspondance particulière de Priscilla Song

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  • Shelly Regina Che dit :

    I wish I can spend only one week with Mama Veronica who has been such a light to those around her.
    I want to thank especially Auntie Fabulous and Ben who radiate the life of Mama Veronica in their kindness generosity to us in our parish in the USA. Blessings upon Blessings upon Blessings

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